Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Resolution Not to Make This Year.

1. Quit your job and wait for a dream career opportunity to present itself. Recession shmecession.
Reality check: Suck it up and hang on to your gig for now. Appease yourself by taking a class or picking up a hobby that will make your résumé stand out, like learning a foreign language or starting a blog.

2. Lose five pounds.
Reality check: Hot chicks like Jessica Biel, Beyoncé, and ScarJo are proof that toned and curvy is the new skinny.

3. Finally win back your ex-boyfriend.
Reality check: Move on. We give you permission to engage in some rebound relationship therapy.

4. Buy into all the latest trends.
Reality check: It’s okay to be a slave to fashion...just be a slave to cheap fashion, rather than dropping serious bank on each and every look. Kick yourself later for wearing it, but don’t kick yourself for blowing your paycheck on it.

5. Change your man.
Reality check: While some relationship tweaking is to be expected (hey, few guys are natural-born good kissers), if the words “fixer-upper” and “project” could describe your boyfriend, it’s time to get real.

6. Triple the number of friends you have on Facebook.
Reality check: Less time stalking your friends’ friends’ friends. More time catching up with buddies you actually care about.

7. Don’t eat any junk food.
Reality check: Cutting out all unhealthy food from your diet will most likely lead to binge eating, followed by intense guilt, by mid-January.

8. Watch less trashy TV.
Reality check: Zoning out and de-stressing for a bit every night with the help of good bad television is harmless.

9. Save more money.
Reality check: Let’s be honest. In this economy, we’re just happy to be able to pay our rent, gas, and credit card bill.

10. Keep your number down.
Reality check: Nothin’ wrong with notches on your bedpost, as long as you’re being safe.


Malaysia Tanahairku said...

1. Quit your job and wait for a dream career opportunity to present itself.

Itu dah semestila setiap orang mensti nak kerjaya impiannya macam aku nipun, aku nak jadi aktor sebab jadi aktor aku boleh menjadi semua pekerjaan hahaha

2. Lose five pounds.

Tang ni benda kecik je bagi aku orang lelaki, aku takde rasa rendah diripun kalau badan aku macam tong dram, aku takde apa projek kkas pun nak sertai pertandingan Jejaka Slim ke, takde

3. Finally win back your ex-boyfriend.

Hai ni lain macam je E aku taula tang kau ni tapi baik aku takyah ceerita biarla rahsia. Ex-awek aku dah kahwin pun taktaula dia dah beranak ke belum

4. Buy into all the latest trends.
Reality check:

.Aku sama dengan kebanyakan lelaki pakai fesyen sempoi je, paling smart pun bila jumpa MB Selangor ke MP ke baru pakai smart sikit. Tang fesyen aku ada penasihat Shaiful

5. Change your man.

Aku tak perlu nak ubah apa secara fizikal aku dah memang lelaki dah cukup cuma kena sentiasa top-up motivate

6. Triple the number of friends you have on Facebook.

Oh fasal Bukumuka itu sekadar erat silaturahim. Dah terima jemputan?

7. Don’t eat any junk food.
Reality check:

Memangla itu yang menyebabkan kita akan bertambah 'pandai' bila makan makanan macam tu banyak perisa aji naik motor

8. Watch less trashy TV.

Takpela apa salahnya tengok TV tengah malam selalu aku macam tu siang banyak tidor, dalam sedar pun aku tidur

9. Save more money.
Reality check:

.Memangla aku nak selamatkan banyak duit lepas tu aku belanja bebanyak, aku lebih utamakan belanja makan daripada barang lain

10. Keep your number down.
Reality check: .

Oh itu dah semestinya kalau nak selamat dari lena tak jatuh katil tak pun tak break dance basuhla kaki dulu supaya tak tergolek

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